attend to doing例句的相关图片

attend to doing例句

下面围绕“attend to doing例句”主题解决网友的困惑

attend to do 还是doing

1)接待客人 Are you being attended to?有人招呼你吗?2)仔细听 You should attend to your teacher's words.3)专心于...You must attend to sth.(这个sth.就是...

attend to是什么意思(to用法及短语)

1)接待客人 Areyoubeingattendedto?有人招呼你吗?2)仔细听 Youshouldattendtoyourteacher'swords.3)专心于...Youmustattendtosth.(这个sth.就是名词喽)专心写作...

attend to do 还是doing?

attend to是一个动词词组表示注意,照顾,致力于。这里的“to”是介词,所以如果要接动词的话,动词需要加“ing”。...

atttend to是什么意思

1)接待客人 Are you being attended to? 有人招呼你吗?2)仔细听 You should attend to your teacher's words.3) 专心于.You must attend to sth. (这个sth.就是...

attend to 是不及物的吗?可以用被动吗?

例句:1. Could you attend to (ie deal with) this matter immediately?你能不能立刻处理这件事?2. I have my business to attend to.我有事要料理。3. Mind you,...


请你来参加英语翻译 Please come and join us

七年级 英语语法带 to do 、 doing 的语法、 急急

I have a meeting to attend. 我有一个会议要出席。 注意:不定式为不及物动词时,所修饰的名词如果是地点、工具等,应有必要的介词,如: He found a good house to li...


We regret to tell you that all of you are not invited toattend the meeting. They regretted ordering these books from abroad. 动名词与不定式语义不同的有1...


We regret to tell you that all of you are not invited toattend the meeting. They regretted ordering these books from abroad. 动名词与不定式语义不同的...


want to , wish to ,hope to , like to , hate to , plan to , try to , love to , have to , ought to , need to , used to , be able to 6.不定式作定语,应注意...

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